Friday, March 2, 2007

Mickey & Minnie

Aden and Gracie love Mickey and Minnie! They are so into it! I think it because of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon on Disney channel. So here there are with their ears on! Later in the evening Aden made Gracie put on her Minnie mouse costume and wear the Minnie Mouse shoes. I think I may need to invest in a Mickey Mouse costume for Aden because as you can see this is the outfit he came up with for Mickey. He came to me asking for his red Mickey Mouse pajamas bottoms and then proceeded to put them on with his cowboy boots and Mickey ears and white gloves. Best of all he kept pulling the red pants up to his pecks every 2 minutes. They were so cute. By the way, you must call him Mickey Mouse and not Aden when he has the ears on! Aden kept telling me, "Mom, Gracie won't leave her ears on"! I think they hurt her head after a while but Aden really wanted her to wear them. We finally headed to the car to get out the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse CD that we have so they could dance and sing to the movie. They were pretending to be going to the Mickey Show! It was great, this went on for most of the evening! It was great entertainment! You should see them when they are doing the "Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggety Dog" song, it's great fun!

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