Friday, March 2, 2007


Gracie started gymnastics on Tuesday! She loved it! You would have thought she had been there before! She marched right in and did exactly as told! The poor thing was so sad when it was over, she didn't want to leave and she can't wait to go back. Yes, I did take my camera but left it in the car in all the excitement so I'll try to remember next week. I was remembering last winter when we took Aden to try out gymnastic, he also liked it but the problem was that he didn't listen. He wanted to do his own thing. When it came to waiting his turn to do the next activity he would not sit still he was up checking out other stuff. Oops! We are thinking of trying out Karate with Aden. I think it would be a great thing for him, we are going to try and go observe a lesson to see what he thinks.

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