Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mother of 3!!!!!

Gotcha!!! No, really I'm finding out this weekend what it's like to be the mother of 3 little ones, 4 and under. Olivia, our niece is staying with us for a couple nights. My sister and brother-in-law are down in Indy with my nephew Evan this weekend. He's at a wrestling tournament. Last time a spoke with them he had won his second match of the day which meant he was in the finals. He will end up in 1st or 2nd place. He loves to wrestle, his Uncle Paul(my brother) got him into it. Paul was a good wrestler, good enough to make it to the State wrestling match in high school and he wrestled in college too! Paul is home this weekend from Washington D.C. It was great to see him last evening. He's on his way to Illinois for 6 weeks to run a campaign. He works for Dennis Hastert(previous Speaker of the House). I really miss having him around but for now he's enjoying the big city live and his job. I'm hoping some day that he moves back a little closer. I know he is always happy to come home to the small town life! I think sometimes he does miss the simple life that we live here but he's really had some unique opportunities working for the Speaker of the House. He's just such a great guy and the kids love seeing him. They are always so excited when he gets to come home! So back to being a mother of 3. Olivia does hang out with us for a few hours here and there but to have her for a couple days is a little different but really when you have two so close in age it really isn't that big of a deal having another one in the mix. She's a good girl and loves hanging out with Aden and Gracie. Shannon's been working today, it's the busy time of the year in the Crop Insurance business so he had to work this weekend. They have to have everyone signed up by the 15th of this month. He had a meeting today with a client so he needed the house so I decided it would be better if the kids and I left so we wouldn't bother them. I needed some things at the grocery anyhow. Shannon was like you are going by yourself with all three of them. Heck, why not! It really wasn't bad either, they did great! They are all taking naps now and then we're going to play outside this afternoon. It's so nice here today! The sun is shining and it's 5o some degrees! It makes me ready for spring!!!!

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