Sunday, February 25, 2007

Snow Tunnels and Forts

We had so much fun playing in the snow Friday and Saturday. We played out digging a tunnel for the kid's to climb through and then dug a fort with a hole in the top. We headed out and about an hour or so into it Gracie was fussing because she was cold but none of the rest of us were ready to go in so I ran Gracie over to Nana and Papa's house so we could continue with our fun in the snow. It was probably 3 hours later before we were ready to come in. We kept busy digging out the snow fort. We called Evan to come and play for a while before he had to head to Indy with his Mom and Dad for the State wrestling final. We just had so much fun. We even made snow cones, this was Daddy's idea. We made a snow ball(with clean snow of course!), then grabbed a juice box out of the fridge and squirted it into the snow ball, it tasted so good! We ended up using 3 juice boxes because we just couldn't get enough!

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