Saturday, March 24, 2007

Olivia's 4th Birthday

My niece, Olivia's 4th birthday was last week. We celebrated last Friday night but I'm just now getting to posting about it! The bummer is that I took most of the pictures with my sister's camera so I don't have too many but here are a couple of Olivia. I had the privilege of witnessing her birth. At the time she was born we were waiting on Aden to come home from Guatemala, he was 4 months old. It was a tough time for me. My sister ask if I wanted to be with her when Olivia was born because at the time I didn't know if I would ever be able to experience a child being born. She actually had a scheduled C-section but being that I worked at the hospital at that time they allowed be to be in surgery. It was such a wonderful experience, a very special experience that I will never forget. Thanks Sis for allowing me to be a part of it!! Believe me, I have one great sister but that's another story in itself.

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