Thursday, March 22, 2007

Parent/Teacher Meetings

Monday we had Parent/Teacher meeting with Aden and Gracie's teachers. Gracie goes to preschool on Monday's and Aden on Tuesday's and Thursday's. All in all they had good reports. Aden has mastered pretty much everything except his listening type skills!! HMMM!! He is a ton better than last year but he still likes to do his own thing sometimes and he doesn't do well as sitting for very long. It's really go to hold his interest for him not to get bored. He's is super smart and the teacher's think sometimes he already knows some of the things they are teaching and so it doesn't hold his intrest. Aden does much better when they are busy and not having to sit in circle time type activites which luckily the preschool he is they move around a lot to different stations. He's not afraid of telling the teacher NO!! Yeh, not good!! Let me tell you though he is doing 90% better than last year!! We just continue working on this behavior issue, he's such a great kid just needs lots of reminders about who's in charge and that's what Shannon and I are here for to guide and teach our children!! Gracie on the other hand is the model student. She never gets in trouble at school and seems to be doing good in all areas. She has mastered many areas and emerging in the rest! She loves school and always looks forward to Monday's! It's amazing how to children being raised the same are so different as school. It's funny because Gracie can be so ornery at home but she knows when to turn it off and on on the other hand Aden is just who he is all the time. It seems the average child is better for other people, not Aden he's the same all the time. It makes life interesting doesn't it? You know just when you think you figure them out they change!! The pictures are of Aden before school, one on the first day and the other another day and the ones of Gracie were taken at school during Western Day's!

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