Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Date Night, Movie Time and an Anniversary!

Friday night Shannon and I went out by ourselves. We had dinner and then went for ice cream. It was really nice to spend some quiet time, just the two of us. We had a really nice dinner and it was great being able to just sit and talk. Saturday afternoon we took the kids to the movie, we saw Charlotte's Web. It's was fun except for taking Gracie to the bathroom about 4 times during the movie. I guess we should have gotten smaller cokes!! On Sunday, April 1st was a special day. It was 16 years ago that Shannon and I went on our first date. It brought back some special memories from that day 16 years ago and some laughs too. Thinking back the day before our first date Shannon showed up with Rodney, my now brother-in-law at our house after Easter Sunday Service. I remember this well because Shannon sported a bow tie that we still have to this day sitting in a drawer in our roll top desk!! O.K., I decided this was worth getting out and taking a picture of, you will love this!! To think, I fell in love with an 18 year old man that wore a bow tie to church in 1991. Please don't ask him what I wore on that first date, it always gets a good laugh when we talk about it now. Yes, I admit I was a little dorky but Shannon fell in love anyway and according to him it happened that night!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I was a dork too back in the day. Don't know what Sean saw in me! but glad he looked past the big glasses and ugly hair. :)