Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Gracie's 3rd Birthday Party!

Grandma McClain and Gracie
Aunt Tonya, Grandma McClain and Gracie

It's taking me awhile to get around to posting this because I was waiting on the pictures. I ended up using my sister's camera because my was acting up AGAIN! I'm about ready to break down and buy one to get me through until I get the one I really, really want. Anyhow, we had a fun Minnie Mouse Party! Gracie was so excited about it. She wanted to know if "everybody" was coming to her party. She really couldn't wait to get her hands on the cake and ice cream part but once we go there she ended up eating very little she just wanted to play with all her new toys. We opened presents first because we made a huge meal for everyone before the party so we were not quite ready for cake and ice cream. She was so cute opening her presents and after she opened her first gift from Aunt Tonya she turned around to Aunt Tonya and said (in the cutest voice ever) "thaaank you so much Aunt Tonya!" One of her favorite gifts has to be this little purple microphone that Grandma got her. She goes around just singing with it, she holds it right up in front of her face and just sings and sings. She just really loves everything. She also got the cutest scooter from Papa and Nana which she keeps at their house. She is so funny on it, just scoots and scoots around on that thing forever. It's really great for coordination it seems. Well as soon as my sister returns from vacation with her camera I will try to get all my pictures posted. I have a few I took before the party and before my camera started acting up really bad, I will post them here but be looking for the rest later. These pictures have some red spots and are not the most clear but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos...and it certainly seems that the day was filled with lotsa fun...and well you can also visit my blog on Birthday Celebrations sometime and share some of the fun it's filled up with!!!