Monday, February 12, 2007

Strep throat, ugh!

Poor Gracie has strep throat! She had a fever a couple different times over the past week but nothing terrible. She had also complained of her throat hurting a few times and had terrible smelling breath but for the most part she acted just fine. I kept putting it off because she really didn't act sick like you would think if someone had strep throat. Man, I feel like a bad Mom. Shannon and I decided to take her to the urgent care after she had gotten up from her nap with swollen lips and face. We got the the urgent care and she was soooo happy, talking with everyone! I was like, really sick huh? I told the staff at the urgent care that I knew they were wondering what she was doing there! Sure enough though, they did a strep screen and it was positive and she had tons of fluid behind her ears. She has antibiotics now so she should be all better soon! Poor thing has a rash all over her body from the strep infection, probably because I waited too long to take her. Boy, I love that girl, she's such a trooper!!!!!

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