Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sugarplums dancing in my head & That's a big one!

Last night as we were putting Aden to bed he was telling us that he wanted it to be Christmas again, he said that he had sugarplums dancing in his head! The things he says and does just make me laugh. You will begin to understand as I continue this blog on a regular basis. These are the little things that I know I will forget so here is a place I can record these things and never worry about forgetting. O.K. here is one on Gracie, now this is a little gross but it was so hilarious I just have to share. She went running to the potty with her BIG eyes, which mean this is serious. She was in there quite a while and finally she called, Mommy I'm done. I pooped in the potty, I didn't poop in my pants (she often says this because long after she was potty trained she would periodically poop in her pants even though she knew better). Anyhow she stood up from the potty and looked down inside and raising her arm as if in a cheer and said "that's a big one". Oh my goodness! This is suppose to be my sweet little girl but it sure did give Daddy and I a big laugh and of course big brother had to coming running to see too!

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