Monday, January 22, 2007

COLTS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I'm not usually a big football fan but the Colts were playing Sunday and if they won it meant they would be going to the Super Bowl in Miami!!!! Pretty exciting, right? Guess what, the COLTS WON!!! We had my parents over along with my sister and her family to have a little football party. We had some typical football party food and watched the game!

The kids ran around playing and being way too loud but the had lots of fun as usual when they get together with their cousins. You would think they never see each other the way they can't wait to be together but that's not the case. We live practically next door and see each other almost everyday. Aden decided he had to get into his Mr. Incredible gear to show off his muscles to everyone, check em' out!! This meant Gracie had to wear her Cinderella dress as well! She loves to be dressed in one of her many dress up outfits that she was given for Christmas and there is no way she would allow Aden to be dressed up without her. Before the game Daddy took Aden & Gracie out to play in the snow. We had more snow than the last time, still not alot but enough that they built a snowman. Aden had fun trying to catch the snow on his tongue as it was falling! We had a blast!

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