Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Playing in the Snow!!

O.K., so it pretty pathetic when this is the most snow we've gotten this year to play in, it is maybe 2 inches but were suppose to be happy with what we're given right? Today was my day to carpool Aden, Will and Olivia to school so Shannon ended up going with me since he had a client cancel a meeting he was suppose to have this morning. After dropping the kids off, Shannon, Gracie and I did some errands to keep busy while the kids were at school but I promised Aden and Gracie that after school and after we ate lunch I would let them go out and play in the snow before nap times. When I got them both out of bed this morning and showed them the snow they both wanted to go out immediately and make snow angels but of course we didn't have time for that until after school. We all bundled up and had a little fun! We made snow angels, walked around making paths, played on the slides and did a little swinging on the swings. The slides were a little slick so Aden was flying down them and just giggling when he landed flat on his back at the bottom. Guess who got cold first? Well, usually it's Aden, I think it's that Guatemalan blood because I've never seen a child get so cold, so quick. He usually doesn't appreciate the cold weather too much but not today it was Mommy!!! That's right! They talked me into staying out a little longer than I really wanted to but I finally enticed them in with a bribe. "Let's go in and have a treat", well it gradually worked but Aden had a better idea, "How about some Hot Cocoa Mom"! Now that was a great idea, one problem, Mommy didn't have any! Daddy suggested warming up milk with Hershey syrup, O.K. this could work and sure enough it did. We got out the little mugs filled them with milk, added some chocolate and warmed them in the microwave and to top them off we added some chocolate chips and marshmallows, hey now that worked!!

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